About New808coin
Chain Overview
0 tx (0 B )
40.027 x103
Name | New808coin |
Symbol | N808 |
Algorithms | POS |
Block Time | 13 m |
Max Supply | 21,000,000 |
Features | |
First Block | 2020-2-26 00:10:00 (1793 D ago) |
Explorer Expiration | Never |
Description | New808Coin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency with a primary focus on energy-efficiency and music. The New808coin Network makes use of only Proof-of-Stake mining, in the form of Masternodes and staking. This means that the New808coin blockchain has a very low impact on the environment and ensures that scaling will be a smooth transition in future. |
Website | https://new808.tk |
Source | https://github.com/didarmetu/New808coin |
Discord | https://discord.gg/qvPTgdW |
Node Summary
Version | /New808coin Core: |
Protocol | 70965 |
Sync Status | 726,450 Blocks / 726,450 Headers (100.00%) |
Best Hash | 26cf3e6459113def270b6ab59dc42ffac2697de2fa597b87899dc88b8849c18d |
Connections | 343 |
Services | 0000000000000005 |